• Project Management |
  • GAP Analysis |
  • Customer Needs Analysis/ Customer Surveys |
  • Company/ Country/ Sector Representation |
  • Agri Services |

Project Management

A full suite of project management services from scoping to delivery of the project against agreed timelines. This includes a systematic approach aligned to academic models supporting the project manager to successfully complete the project. SC Management and Advisory Solutions is available to perform the actual project management function under defined conditions.

GAP Analysis & Customer Needs Analysis

This service aims at addressing potential gaps in service delivery, i.e., what clients expect from the business versus what the organization interprets as their customer’s needs. Various tools and platforms are utilized for this purpose, however, the main tool applicable is authentic impartial conversations with clients aimed to further advance the businesses’ offering to its clients in an endeavor to ensure relevance, sustainability, and good value for money to its clients.

Company/ Country / Sector representation @ strategic / development/ international platforms

This service is offered by SC Management and Advisory Solutions acting as representative and/ or brand ambassadors for a specific company, sector, country, etc. The service further extends towards accompanying permanent employees of clients to these platforms with guidance from SC Management and Advisory Solutions on tactics, influence, collaboration techniques, partnership building, etc. SC Management and Advisory Solutions is highly experienced in this field.

Agri Services

Customized training services, based on the experience of SC Management and Advisory Solutions and its partners. Content development, specifically training content are developed, and is handled on a project basis. SC Management and Advisory Solutions is available to serve on appeal boards/independent panels whereby its experience and knowledge enable expert independent opinions. Independent audits/ assessments – specific to food safety-, food quality-, and quality management systems.